Mission Statement
To glorify God by making disciples, primarily through nurturing believers, for their role in relational evangelism.
Explanation of Mission: The mission of an organization is a broad based statement about what the organization is called to do. For our purposes, the Mission of TCC will look similar to the mission of all other churches which seek to be Biblical. The language may be different, but the mission of our local church, as we see it, is the mission of the Church. Our mission is to fulfill the Great Commission. We believe this statement includes worship, fellowship, disciple making and missions, while providing the necessary emphasis on relational evangelism in our communities.
Vision Statement
Our vision is to cooperate with God in a unified and multifaceted ministry movement, so that every person in Southwest, suburban Boston can hear the Gospel of Christ in terms they understand.
Explanation of Vision: Although mission is important for an organization to nail down, it should not be seen as the same thing as its vision. Vision offers a detailed understanding of what makes the organization unique. A vision comes from God, though not explicitly in the Bible. It sharpens the focus of mission and presents it with passion. This vision includes disciple making because it will only be fulfilled as believers grow in Christ and minister as He leads.
Vision Slogan
“God working through us… until every person in our community hears the gospel from someone they know.”
Core Values of Our Vision: Church wide “values” answer the question; “What are the guiding preferences in our congregation which shape what we do as a church, and why we do these things?” These emerge from the Scripture. We believe TCC ought to live by these “Core Values” in reality (not merely in words) as we pursue God’s leading and vision. We believe that through prayer, Spirit-led discipling, and communication, these core values must become filters for all of our decisions.
Lost People Matter: Lost people matter to God and reaching lost people in our community is at the heart of our ministry.
The Bible: The Word of God is the truth & the handbook for our entire ministry.
People and Christ-Centered Relationships: We value people and Christ-centered relationships in our style of evangelism and disciple making, in welcoming people from diverse backgrounds, and in directing our money and efforts toward people ministries.
Creativity and Innovation: We embrace, as God leads, in creative approaches and multiple groups for ministering to our communities.
Numerical Growth: We welcome Christ honoring growth and will not resist it because of our own fears.
Adult Small Groups: Small Groups are integral to our discipling, shepherding, and evangelism at TCC.
Ministries for Children and Youth: We are determined to provide relevant Bible based ministry for children and teens.
Dependence on God: Regular heartfelt and comprehensive prayer is essential for vision fulfillment.
Intentionality and Excellence: We value Spirit led leadership, efficiency, communication, planning, and evaluation.
Church Planting in Southwest Boston: We are convinced God is leading TCC to be a catalyst for planting new churches and facilitating church partnerships.