We have a heart for the future of the Church and the Next Generation of Leaders

TCC’s residency program is geared towards those who have been called to a career in vocational ministry. Examples of those who might consider include:

  • A TCC member who has been affirmed as called to vocational/ bi-vocational ministry
  • A college or graduate school student connected to a Converge church.
  • A soon-to-be graduate who desires to take the next step in their development.
  • An individual who may be sensing God calling him/her to vocational ministry, but desires help in bridging the gap from their current profession.
  • A current church leader who is feeling the call to church revitalization (or other aspects of ministry), but desires to see it up close and personal as they engage in the Spirit’s leading.
  • An individual with ministry experience outside New England, that seeks to discern a call to ministry in a New England context.

What Will a Residency Look Like At TCC?

A Resident will enter into a 1- or 2-year Residency agreement with TCC. This will include hands on experience in a ministry setting, biblical training and personal development. This is financed through support raising by the resident, with help from TCC and its partners. 

TCC promises to provide each Resident:

  • A work space for the Resident.
  • If needed, provide a laptop or tablet for the Resident.
  • Provide leadership space for the Resident to create, initiate, and multiply a sustainable ministry initiative.
  • Pay for Resident to attend at least one yearly Converge gathering (district and/or national).
  • Pay for the Resident’s support raising training with Reliant.
  • A Resident will be expected to:
    • Launch, sustain, grow and hand-off a ministry.
    • Engage in being coached and coaching others.
    • Experience leading and serving in multiple areas.
    • Be an active ministry participant in the local church.
    • Engage in the community either through a part-time job or volunteering.

**There is an optional academic track that, in conjunction with the vocational training, could be used towards a Master’s Degree through Antioch School.

How Do Residencies work?

  • TCC will have an onsite “champion” that will lead the coaching of the Resident(s)
  • Residents will be expected to raise their own support (with TCC’s assistance) in agreement with the local church’s decisions on time, salary and a Resident’s personal needs.
  • Residents will come under the management and coaching of our ministry partner, Reliant, in their support raising efforts.
  • Though a Resident will be classified as an employee of Reliant, the local church will be the leader in that relationship.
  • Upon completion of the Residency, the Resident should not assume that employment with the local church is their next step.

TCC’s Internships and Residencies exist to disciple, train, and test as we develop the Next Generation of ministry leaders. 

Click here to contact us with any questions not answered on our website or to inquire about next steps.